Willow Wonder™ is an all natural analgesic spray containing powerful essential oils in a greaseless base. A key ingredient in Willow Wonder™ is White Willow Bark. The use of Willow Bark dates back to the time of 500 BC where patients were advised to chew on the bark to reduce fever and inflammation.
White Willow Bark Is most important qualities are its amazing ability to ease pain and reduce inflammation. In fact, it was salicylic acid, one of White Willows main active constituents that modern day aspirin was synthesized. This is why Willow Bark has been dubbed “nature’s aspirin”.
In addition to White Willow Bark, Willow Wonder™ contains 3 powerful analgesic pain relievers: Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus and pure extract oils of Peppermint & Spearmint were added for their antiseptic & antifungal qualities. Willow Wonder Herbal Analgesic Spray is the strongest formula available without a prescription!
- For external use only.
Use only as directed:
- Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membrane. Do not apply to wounds or broken skin. Do not spray onto face.
Stop use if:
- Condition worsens Redness is present Irritation develops Symptoms persist for more than seven days.
- If pregnant or breastfeeding seek professional advice before using this product.
- If swallowed get medical help or call poison control.
- Spray affected area with desired amount of product. Product dries quickly and does not need to be rubbed in. Repeat as necessary.